Statistical Information and Cookie Finveo is using cookies in order to collect statistical information about visitors to our websites. Collected data are: the number of visitors, pages viewed, types of transactions conducted, time spent online, documents downloaded, the name of your Internet service provider, the IP address, the date and time of access, the difference in the time zone relative to the GMT, the access status / HTTP status for the amount of downloaded data, the browser, the language, the browser version, the operating system and the screen surface, the website linked you to our site, the web pages you have visited from our site. This information is used to evaluate and improve the performance of our websites. Other than statistical information, we do not collect any information about you through our website unless you provide the information to us. Finveo may share website usage statistics with reputable advertising companies and with its marketing companies. The information collected by the advertising company is not personally identifiable.


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